Thursday, June 24, 2010


Correo electronico generado desde un BlackBerry de movistar.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Capt. Rafael Barcenas: Director General of AAC helps kick-off the DAV expansion

Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Claro Panamá

Conjunto Tipico celebrating the cornerstone placement for the DAV Expansion

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Capt. Rafael Barcenas, Director General of AAC wants speed and quality in DAV expansion.

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Director of the ATP (Panama's Tourism Authority) tells it how it is: People come to Panama in airplanes.

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RIVACONS S.A. already mobilized on pre-construction of DAV expansion.

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The Governer of Chiriqui is excited for changes that will come with the DAV expansion and direct-flights.

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dav malek expansion conerstone ceremony

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Local business executives gather in support of DAV expansion and direct flights to the USA.

Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Claro Panamá

Monday, June 7, 2010

Cornerstone to be laid Tuesday, June 8th at 10 am for the DAV, David, Enrique Malek Expansion

The cornerstone will be laid tomorrow.  stay tuned for updates.

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